CROs: Lumi makes lab automation work (actually work)

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There’s been a global acceleration in clinical research and development, with the CRO market expected to be worth £52 billion by 2024. And there’s no signs of growth stagnating.

Your industry is also changing. In a recent article, a global pharma executive commented that CROs need to adopt “emerging technologies that can improve data management and facilitate better monitoring and engagement” to be successful in the future.

So, the question is: how can you differentiate yourself from your competitors? And what does emerging technology look like?

Lumi™ is frontier AI to automate experiment data management. It’s enabling scientists in global CROs to make discoveries quicker, streamlining lab automation, and setting the standard for customer service in your industry.

Let’s unpack how it will solve your challenges and sharpen your competitive edge.

The challenges facing CROs

Mundane work

Delivering a successful project in your market is about efficiency, highly organised delivery, exemplary safety, and customer service excellence. Your customers expect to be on the edge of innovation with their CRO partner and benefit from a first-rate experience every time.

But mundane lab work is making these goals harder to reach. Manual experiment monitoring and data capture is still the status quo, compromising efficiency, project timescales, and even staff wellbeing. In a competitive labour market, these are the considerations that can make the difference.

Mundane knowledge work

And there’s another problem.

To remove the load of manual work, digital transformation specialists globally are integrating new automation technologies at speed into the lab environment. But despite the promise of automation to streamline laborious tasks, a new study shows some of this automation actually works to increase mundane work.

In academia, this new task creation is becoming known as ‘mundane knowledge work’.

What is mundane knowledge work?

It’s a simple concept. With more robotics and automation tools, a higher volume of data flows into and from experiments, which demands the development of new data management strategies and skills. This could include solutions for data storage and curation.

Mundane knowledge work also comprises the simple monitoring of robotics to ensure errors, like spills, don’t occur. Ultimately, it’s a set of tasks scientists would not usually need to perform, thanks to new technology.

Progress always creates problems at first. It’s how innovation works. A new tool might work functionally but fall down operationally. It takes time to achieve seamless integration, and we’re still in the early adoption phases of lab automation.

But to succeed with innovation in the short term, CROs need a way of making automation work with humans.

How will Lumi solve your challenges?

Lumi™ is the first of its kind to solve the problem of mundane work and mundane knowledge work. It will help your lab scientists improve efficiency and spend more time on strategic work, bringing the true intention of lab automation closer.

It will monitor your robotics and ensure they are behaving correctly. Equally, Lumi™ monitors experiment phases carried out by scientists to enable reproducibility, safety and complete data capture. Where your LIMS system can’t capture live experiment data, Lumi will plug this gap, curating and collating data on our multi-user, experiment-driven platform.

Lumi™ puts all experiment data in one place, creating an infrastructure for lab automation and a culture of collaboration and continual improvement.

The key benefits of Lumi for CROs

Lumi™ captures, archives and shares lab experiment data using computer vision. It’s a software platform accessible via a web browser, and our computer vision element is powered by our LabEye camera module, situated in the lab.

It has the capability to monitor various experiments, including liquids and vessel-based processes, whilst tracking changes such as colour, phase, overflows, and instrumentation readings, with more use cases developing all the time.

We are already in several CRO labs, with teams enjoying a range of benefits:

Increased efficiency

Using Lumi™ to automate experiment reporting and data capture, one of our CRO clients is streamlining workflows, accelerating knowledge sharing and peer review processes.

Quality control

Another one of our clients is using our platform to master anomaly tracking. With Lumi’s LabEye on the experiment, teams can track precisely when errors occur and improve processes.

Better customer service

All our CRO partners are using Lumi™ to give customers a real-time glimpse into experiments with resoundingly positive feedback. As a result, more customers are won and retained.

Use case creation

Once Lumi™ is in the lab, we’re noticing that our customers find more and more ways to use our technology. We are happy to investigate feature requests, from ELN integrations to novel computer vision applications.

What are you waiting for – book a Lumi demo today

We’d love to chat further about the implications of mundane work and mundane knowledge work. If you’d like to learn more about Lumi™, book a demo with us today, and we will demonstrate how we’re helping CROs maximise the value of our technology.

You can get all the technical details on our product sheet.

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