Meet Lumi: The lab assistant supercharging scientists

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Scientists have faced many recurring problems across the years. While in essence the problems remain the same, the potential for solutions is always evolving.  

As we harness the digital era, scientists can now experience new solutions to age-old problems.  

Lumi was born in response to direct demand from laboratory scientists, the demand for an extra pair of eyes, ears, and brain in the lab. Lumi is filling the gap that currently exists for businesses and scientists, those that can benefit from a helping hand.  

The current landscape: The biggest challenges in today’s labs 

The need for better reproducibility

Reproducibility, or the lack of it, is a big problem in scientific research and discovery. With a lack of reproducibility comes lower output and efficiency, slower progress and sometimes wasted funding.  

It’s often the case that a significant scientific result will be obtained, however the findings or conditions that achieved it can’t be reproduced. Looking for solutions is a creative process, but without the correct infrastructure in place, scientists may do one thing that makes a huge difference, but it gets missed.  

Capturing operational data

Knowing what happened when, how and why it happened is crucial in scientific research and discovery, especially in life sciences. To aid reproducibility, scientists need better methods to capture operational data – something that currently is lacking in the field.  

If a eureka moment happens in the lab while a scientist is away, figuring out what the conditions were to make it happen can be revelatory. Being able to store that as part of a data archive would be an important step towards progressing scientific processes.  

Quality control and auditing

Quality control is fundamental in science. Therefore, it’s something that should be easy to do, however this often isn’t the case. Cost of quality is relative, and good quality comes at a high cost. Unfortunately, quality assurance is currently costly, time-consuming and laborious. Nevertheless, digitisation of the lab will help to overcome this long-running problem, making quality control more streamlined, efficient and cost-effective.  

Ordinary vs extraordinary

The job of a scientist is to creatively problem solve. In the lab, the mundane tasks are the necessary evils. While some of these are unavoidable, such as hypothesis generation and scientific data interpretation, there are some tasks that can be made easier.  

With a to-do list full of these chores, it can be difficult for scientists to find the time or energy to fully devote themselves to what they do best – solving the bigger problems.  

Higher volumes of complex data

The industry is seeing larger volumes of data, which is promising, but it also poses a challenge for scientists. There’s an increasing need to store that data and structure it in a standardised way. If scientists and the organisations they work for want to make meaning of that data, innovative processes must be utilised.  

At the moment, scientists and lab managers are struggling to effectively organise the vast amount of data generated through scientific research.   

Increasing lab automation

Automation is a powerful tool that has multiple inherent benefits such as saving time and reducing human error. While automation tools are increasingly making their way into labs, there’s still a barrier in standardisation.  

Automation is not at a place yet where it can work in every environment that a human goes into, so there needs to be some sort of structure for how work is carried out so that the systems can best benefit organisations for efficiency. People need to more effectively interface with these tools, so that scientists can be supported to focus on the more important tasks.  

A solution for a digital world

Alongside providing a solution to all the above challenges, Lumi is a product of a digital world. In this era, civilisation is working to get the best of both worlds; maximising human creativity, but also leveraging technology to accompany this. There are a lot of benefits that modern technology has to offer and the team behind Lumi, Reach Industries, decided to take advantage of this to better their field.  

Scientists are amazing at what they do, and Lumi was designed to help them be better at that. It’s augmenting humans, rather than replacing them. 

Lumi was created to support scientists so they can better and faster solve world challenges, and this is being carried out by leveraging frontier technology such as Machine Learning and computer vision. A technology solution with ease of use for anyone to interact with, Lumi is helping to integrate deep tech – and automation – into modern labs. 

So, what is Lumi?

Lumi is an integrated lab digitalisation platform that automatically captures operational data from labs, increasing efficiency and enabling faster scientific progress. 

Through computer vision, voice and Machine Learning, Lumi takes away the pain of recording and analysing operational data. From a lab eye to the cloud, scientists never miss a moment in their research, with an opportunity to share the data with colleagues, gain deeper insights and get greater meaning from their data.  

Lumi is the first of its kind – using computer vision to support scientific discovery. Lumi sees everything in your lab, gathering raw data, taking that to your cloud system and then delivering value based on what’s in the cloud.  

Not only does Lumi capture all the information you need to accurately reproduce, but helps scientists and organisations better manage quality control. This self-contained solution reduces R&D costs, enhances reproducibility and frees up the minds of scientists to focus on what they do best. 

Accelerating excellence  

The team behind Lumi love science. Science is the torch light that helps to navigate the darkness. Science pushes the frontier to what human knowledge is, Lumi aims to help to do that faster and more efficiently.  

There’s no shortage of scientific problems today across industries such as climate change and healthcare, and it is humans that are going to solve these problems. Lumi works to augment the people that are solving these challenges so that they can do more, better and faster. Lumi accelerates scientific excellence.  

Lumi came from the word ‘illuminate’. There was a recurring theme for the founders, a theme to shine a light – showing those things that are hidden, or showing it from another angle. It’s about making the unknown, known. 

Shine a light on your scientists  

The organisations that thrive are those that prioritise their scientists, providing them with the best tools so they can keep doing what they are amazing at. 

The light in the dark, illuminating your science and getting you to the places you need to get to, quicker, Lumi is the lab assistant to revolutionise the way that you create, solve and discover.  

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